
Main focus of our services

We regularly conduct measurement and optimisation projects for industrial plants (e.g. rotary kiln plants in the cement industry) and have been familiar with the requirements of industrial practice for many years. Within the framework of research projects, we systematically work to improve our understanding of process technology and continuously develop our methods and procedures. As a reliable and independent partner we can offer our assistance with complex interdisciplinary projects as well. We are happy to advise you and work together to find a tailor-made solution for your problem. This also includes performing Technical Reviews.

Our methods

a) Process optimisation

  • Technical analysis of the clinker burning process/the entire rotary kiln plant
  • Weak point analysis
  • Chemical and physical analysis of all materials, checking and optimisation of clinker and cement quality
  • Optimisation of kiln plant operation
  • Diagnosis and consultation in the event of incrustation build-up

b) Optimisation of product quality

  • Chemical/mineralogical recording and assessment
  • In-depth study of the influence of burning and cooling conditions as well as of raw materials and fuels on product properties

c) Enhancement of energy efficiency

  • Determination and analysis of energy demand taking into account plant-specific production processes
  • Production of complete and sequential energy balances, benchmarking with respect to the VDZ database and BAT values
  • Identification and quantification of savings potential
  • Consideration of CO2 abatement measures
  • Determination of potential for cost savings

d) Measurements in high-temperature processes

  • Measurement of gas composition, dust content and temperatures in the range up to 2000 °C and dust content up to 500 g/Nm³
  • Sampling of solids and liquids

e) Alternative fuels and alternative raw materials

  • Conducting of combustion-technology studies on the use of alternative fuels and raw materials
  • Effects and material cycles (sulphur, chlorine, alkalis)
  • Analysis of alternative fuels
  • Thermographic flame investigation using a mobile thermographic system
  • Production of proposals for optimisation of the burner setting and the use of alternatives

f) Process technology modelling

  • Simulation studies with practice-oriented process model
  • Assessment and design of plant conversions
  • Assessment of planned operational activities before implementation
  • Determination of data not measured (e.g. kiln profiles with regard to temperatures, gas composition, chemical/mineralogical material transformation etc.)
  • Effect of operational changes and process-modifications on clinker quality

Your benefits

  • Sustained optimisation of the production process
  • Maintenance and enhancement of cost-effectiveness and competitiveness
  • Consultation taking account of the latest developments
  • Internationally experienced plant specialists to diagnose weak points and develop solutions
  • Specific energy efficiency analyses for the identification of potential opportunities for savings in the production process
  • Benchmarking of data gathered by comparison with the VDZ database and BAT (best available techniques)
  • Accredited and quality-assured measurement procedures
  • Results are presented in comprehensible form in a report
  • Integrated study of kiln operation, product quality and environmental performance taking into account economic aspects
  • Incorporation of the latest findings from research and technology
  • Simulation studies with practice-oriented process model
  • The VDZ process model can be used as a substitute for tests on the kiln system which could result in damage

Quality standards

The management system of VDZ Technology gGmbH is certified by DQS in accordance with ISO 9001
VDZ Technology gGmbH is accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

Other services in which we operate

Maintenance and measurement

Preventive maintenance keeps production processes in operation. It calls for the regular, diligent inspection and measurement of rotary kilns and ball mills – the heart of the plant. From our extensive portfolio of maintenance services we can offer you a complete package of tailor-made solutions. In particular we carry out the inspection and measurement of rotary kilns, rotary driers, rotary coolers and ball mills or the expert assessment of the mechanical systems of rotary equipment.

To the service

Characterisation of Portland cement clinker

The analysis of Portland cement clinker allows profound conclusions on the clinker burning process and the behavior of the clinker in cement. It allows the identification of problems in the production process, the assessment of the influence of new raw materials and fuels and the optimization of clinker and cement quality. Benefit from our long-term expertise in the cross-method evaluation of clinker properties.

To the service

Environmental and climate protection

We can offer integrated consultation on all environmental aspects associated with the production and processing of cement, lime, concrete and other construction products. With a view to enhancing your environmental performance we can identify your specific requirements and accordingly offer you a complete package of various services. For example, this involves the production of environmental expert reports and the optimisation of your process steps and products.

More information

Mechanical process technology

In the field of mechanical process engineering, we offer a wide range of services, from the characterisation of solids in powder form and the performance of complex grinding and classification trials, right through to the optimisation of industrial plants. Above and beyond this, our interdisciplinary teams of experts can advise you on how to deal with technical problems in existing installations and on the planning of new plants.

To the service

Technical Reviews and Benchmarking

We can provide you with tailor-made Technical Reviews and Energy Reviews to make your current and future cement production as efficient as possible. Our experienced experts work all around the world and conduct integrated, scientifically based analyses and benchmarking for either certain aspects of your production or for your entire production process (e.g. equipment, raw materials, energy demand, fuels, cement portfolio, emissions, environmental protection legislation etc.). So we can develop independent, customised solutions to optimise your installations. (Picture: HCAG/ Steffen Fuchs)

To the service

Digital process support

Digital process support covers process-related subjects in the field of digitalisation and industry 4.0, as well as the directly associated aspects of simulation technology. The central areas of work include the creation of standard data structures, the utilisation and in particular the robustness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications, as well as the development and use of a wide range of simulation methods for process optimisation and training purposes.

To the service

Person to contact

Do you have questions regarding this service?

Albrecht Schall
Environment and Plant Technology

+49-211-45 78-309

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