The main characteristic of the IGF is the cooperation of companies in pre-competitive research: the research results of the projects are equally accessible to all participating companies and stakeholders. They must not lead to one-sided competitive advantages for individual companies. In consultation with companies, research associations propose joint projects, which are put out to expert competition.
The Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate protection (BMWK) supports the IGF and the projects carried out with public funds. The funding options CORNET (European, industry-wide research projects) and PLUS (formerly CLUSTER, several, interrelated research projects, from basic research to market implementation) expand the research possibilities of the IGF.
VDZ has been part of the research network since 1954. Together with the German cement manufacturers, VDZ develops project proposals and ideas for new research projects in the Research Institute of the Cement Industry. Together with the current projects, around 130 research projects have been funded and carried out by the BMWi at the Research Institute of the Cement Industry over the last 25 years.