From a toxicological point of view, mercury is a very important element for humans and the environment, and in recent years it has increasingly come into the focus of international discussions. In 2013, for example, the Minamata Agreement was adopted at UN level with the aim of reducing global anthropogenic mercury emissions. It entered into force in August 2017 after being ratified by more than 50 signatory states.
The German cement industry is therefore continuing its efforts to further reduce its mercury loads in the future. In the IGF predecessor project 18023 N, extensive investigations were carried out into the suitability of sorbent supported dust removal to reduce mercury cycles and emissions. It was shown that a targeted injection of sorbents into the exhaust gas path of cement rotary kiln plants in direct operation can be a possibility to support the dust discharge in direct operation practiced in many German plants if required.
The aim of this research project is to extend the technical-scientific basis for reducing the mercury loads in the exhaust gas path of cement rotary kiln plants by sorbent supported dust removal and to show possibilities for optimisation. It is to be shown that the greatest possible benefit can be derived from the measure by an improved distribution of injected sorbents in the waste gas stream. The main objective is to achieve the highest possible Hg separation rate from the gas phase while at the same time minimising the use of sorbents. All cement plants, especially small and medium-sized companies without the possibility of carrying out their own extensive research and development activities, can benefit from this.