
Background and goals of the research project

The production of cements with main constituents beside cement clinker is of high interest for the cement industry. The use of cement constituents like ground granulated blast furnace slag and fly ashes is regulated by the standards and state of the art. Nevertheless their limited availability forces the use of alternative supplementary cementitious materials (SCM).

During the finished project „Nutzung von natürlichen getemperten Tonen als Zementhauptbestandteil“ (IGF 16566 N, German only) the suitability of clays of different mineralogical compositions as calcined clays for cements acc. EN 197-1 could be shown. Therefore the new research project focussed on the optimisation of pozzolanic cements concerning the processing and composition of their constituents as well as the durability of concretes made of these cements. Within the project clays were put to account, that were already used for clinker production. Additionally some clays of low ceramic quality known from the former project had been tested.

The research project was divided into two work packages. During the first optimisation possibilities concerning the composition of cements with calcined clays were shown. The second work package dealt with the durability of concretes containing Portland-pozzolana cements and pozzolanic cements.


The IGF project 17930 N of VDZ Technology gGmbH was supported by the AiF within the framework of Industrial Collective Research (IGF) of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy on the basis of a decision of the German Bundestag.

Results (German)

The new research project focussed on the optimisation of pozzolanic cements concerning the processing and composition of their constituents as well as the durability of concretes made of these cements.

Read research report

Person to contact

Do you have questions regarding this project?

Dr Jörg Rickert
Chemistry and mineralogy

+49-211-45 78-283

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