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Dr Jörg Rickert
Chemistry and mineralogy

+49-211-45 78-283

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Research projects

Systematic application of IR spectroscopy to strengthen the circular economy in the construction industry

In this research project, IR spectroscopy in combination with mathematical tools (chemometrics) is going to be evaluated as an analytical method for the characterisation of silica based materials, primarily X-ray amorphous materials, with regard to the reliable determination of the composition of material mixtures with X-ray amorphous materials (e.g. ternary cements with calcined clay and/or recycled concrete fines). In a next step, the findings on the analytical method and evaluation routines developed for cement are going to be evaluated with regard to their transferability to siliceous aggregates for estimating its alkali sensitivity.

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Research projects

REDOL - Aragon's REgional Hub for circularity: Demonstration Of Local industrial-urban symbiosis initiatives

Redol deals with closing material cycles using the city of Zaragoza as an example. The research project focuses on solid urban waste, which is an abundant source to produce circular products. Five value chains for solid urban waste in the Aragon region will be redesigned in order to be able to produce circular products using an industrial-urban symbiosis approach.

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Research projects

Investigations into the fire-induced explosive spalling of ecologically optimised concretes as well as determination of the thermo-mechanical and thermo-physical properties of these concretes

The purpose of the research project is to gain the first systematic scientific findings on spalling behaviour in the event of fire and on thermo-mechanical and thermo-physical properties for concretes with the new clinker-efficient cement types and with recycled aggregates.

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Research projects

Reduction of green house gases by process innovations in the primary Industry, SP 6: Development of a methodology for cross-project and ecological potential assessment, cement industry

The transfer and networking project ReInvent aims to provide technical and organisational support for the BMBF funding measure KlimPro-Industrie.

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Cements of the Future 2025

With the decarbonisation of cement production and the expected reduction in blastfurnace slag and fly ash quantities, unburned limestone, calcined clays, and recycled fines will gain in importance as cement main constituents. The focus will be on new, clinker-effcient cement types such as CEM II/C and CEM VI cements, whose performance allows a wide range of applications in practice. This online seminar provides an overview of the current state of development and standardisation of new cements. The possibilities and limits for practical implementation will be presented.

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Research projects

Clinker burning with alternative fuels at low process temperatures - effects on coating formation and on the corrosion of refractory products in the cement rotary kiln as well as on the performance of cement

The replacement of primary fuels by alternative fuels is of great economic and ecological importance for the cement industry and is to be increased in the future. The fuel ashes are used as raw material in the cement clinker and influence its properties as well as the coating formation on the refractory lining in the kiln. Exact knowledge of these effects is indispensable for the further increase of the alternative fuel rate and the simultaneous optimisation of the kiln operation as well as for the maintenance of the clinker quality and the service life of the refractory lining.

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VDZ E-learning

With us, you can expand your knowledge around the production of cement and lime, as well as in the area of concrete technology. As a competent partner, we have been offering our customers individual qualification solutions since 2010. In addition to German-language online courses, we also offer English- and Russian-language courses and other services.

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VDZ Congress 2024

The 9th International VDZ Congress will take place in Düsseldorf on 6 – 8 November 2024. The VDZ Congress is the international scientific forum for the cement industry and its suppliers. Delegates from all over the world will discuss the latest developments and challenges concerning the transformation of the cement industry on its way towards climate neutrality.

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Research projects

Durability of concretes with clinker-efficient cements CEM II/C and CEM VI

EN 197-5 defined the clinker-efficient cements CEM II/C and CEM VI. Technical approvals for the application of CEM II/C cements have been issued. For a wide application, all parties involved have to develop confidence in the new products. With new findings on fresh concrete properties, hardening behaviour and durability two research projects of the VDZ Concrete Technology Department will provide an important basis for the application of these cements in the construction industry.

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Research projects

Fresh concrete properties and hardening behaviour of concretes with clinker-efficient cements CEM II/C and CEM VI

EN 197-5 defined the clinker-efficient cements CEM II/C and CEM VI. Technical approvals for the application of CEM II/C cements have been issued. For a widespread application, it is important that all parties involved develop confidence in the new products. With new findings on fresh concrete properties, hardening behaviour and durability two research projects of the VDZ Concrete Technology Department will provide an important basis for application of these cements in concrete for the construction industry.

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