
VDZ Congress 2024

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Requirements for a CO₂ infrastructure in Germany

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Our seminars, trainings and courses 2024/25

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Our units

Service & Consulting

As an international technical and scientific service provider for the cement and building materials industry, VDZ provides full services in cement, concrete and environmental protection. With our interdisciplinary team of experts, we cover the entire value chain from one source.

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VDZ pools the joint activities of German cement manufacturers to promote knowledge, technology and research and development in the field of manufacture and use of hydraulic binders. Innovations drive our daily objective: To shape the future of the cement and concrete industry.

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Certification is a separate, independent and non-partisan area supplementary to VDZ's service portfolio. It is performed by the recognised autonomous certification body VDZ Cert. This ensures the independent monitoring and certification of construction products to satisfy the protective purposes of the Construction Products Regulation and the Federal State Building Codes.

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The Association

VDZ (Verein Deutscher Zementwerke) is the economic, technical and scientific association for the German cement industry. Its aim is to uphold and promote the joint economic interests of the cement industry and to promote technology and science, including pre-competitive research and development in the field of manufacture and use of hydraulic binders.

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Trainings and events

Here you will find dates and further information on our seminars, workshops and events.

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Important industry publications

Here you will find an overview of current VDZ publications such as our CO₂ Roadmap and our Resource study or our regularly published industry publications.

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Publications on cement and concrete

As an internationally renowned research and competence centre for cement and concrete, which has been in existence since 1877, we have comprehensive, holistic and practical expertise that reflects the latest state of the art.

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VDZ's environmental data 2023 published

In keeping with its established tradition, this year VDZ is once again providing a comprehensive overview of production and structural data, raw material and energy requirements and the current emissions of German cement manufacturers in this year's edition of the ‘Environmental data of the German cement industry’. In this way, the environmental data also illustrate how the cement industry is making progress in decarbonising cement production and conserving natural resources.

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VDZ statement on the draft implementing regulation updating the Monitoring and Reporting Regulation (MRR) in response to the revision of the European Emissions trading system (EU ETS)

In the context of the “Fit for 55” package of EU legislation, the ETS Directive has been revised with the EU target set out in the European Climate Law to reduce net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. Following this revision, the European Commission needs to update several regulatory acts for the implementation of the EU ETS. More on this in the following PDF file.

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Press release

Requirements for a CO₂ infrastructure in Germany

Due to the high proportion of unavoidable CO₂ emissions, there is no way around CO₂ capture, storage and utilisation when it comes to decarbonising the cement and lime industries and waste incineration. ”The development of a CO₂ infrastructure in Germany is essential for these industries”, says Christian Knell, President of the German Cement Works Association (VDZ). And time is pressing: Cement manufacturers and other industries in the EU emissions trading scheme must produce their products in a largely climate-neutral way by 2040. “To achieve this, companies need a CO₂ pipeline network by 2035 at the latest”, continues Knell. In a study, VDZ has analysed what a German CO₂ pipeline network could look like and what the requirements are for the CO₂ infrastructure. In order to make the results of the study accessible to an international audience, an English summary is now also available.

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Partial oxyfuel - Separate calcination of raw meal to concentrate CO₂ in the exhaust gas

The capture of CO₂ and its subsequent use and storage are key elements of the cement industry's decarbonisation strategy. The separation of CO₂ from waste gas is an energy-intensive and complex process. This process can be made simpler and more efficient by achieving the highest possible CO₂ concentration in the flue gas. If the calcination of the raw meal is separated from the actual clinker burning process, this considerably facilitates the concentration of CO₂ in the flue gas and reduces the "contamination" of the CO₂ with (false) air.

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Processing of EAF-slags for sustainable utilisation as cement main constituent

The research fields in the area of "cement and concrete" with a focus on their climate-neutral and sustainable production are and will remain an important topic within the cement industry. VDZ is therefore pursuing a number of promising approaches which, if technically and economically suitable, can be further developed to an important component of the decarbonisation strategy. In addition to the known processes for CO₂ capture and utilisation, there are currently also a number of opportunities in the field of mechanical process engineering to optimise the sustainable use of main cement constituents and to further reduce the CO₂ footprint of future relevant and clinker-efficient cement types. Calcined clays are currently the focus of research. However, EAF-slags also offer interesting potential with regard to more climate-friendly and sustainable cement production, which will be examined and considered in more detail in future research projects.

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VDZ represented at the 16th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC) 2023 in Bangkok

The 16th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC) 2023 in Bangkok is in full swing. Dr Martin Schneider was pleased to give a keynote speech on the cement plant of tomorrow which was met with great interest from the participants. Aiming at net-zero CO₂ emissions by 2050, the cement and concrete sector is going through its biggest transformation ever. Cement plants will have to implement all CO₂ abatement and saving measures – both conventional and breakthrough – to the best extent possible.

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Shaft kiln for calcining raw meal for clinker production in the cement industry - an efficient technology for concentrating CO₂ in the waste gas

The capture of CO₂ and its subsequent use and storage are essential elements of the cement industry's decarbonisation strategy. The capture of CO₂ from the flue gas is energy-intensive and complex. It can be carried out more easily and efficiently by maximizing the CO₂ concentration in the flue gas. The separation of the calcination of the limestone in the raw meal from the burning process to produce clinker phases simplifies the accumulation of CO₂ in the flue gas significantly.

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7 - 8 March 2023: Public Workshop on Carbon Capture for the Cement and Lime Industry hosted by AC²OCem and ANICA

The abatement of CO₂ emissions from industry processes is recognised as a key challenge for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. During the past three years carbon capture options for the cement and lime industry have been further developed in the ACT- funded international research projects AC²OCem and ANICA. The consortia of AC²OCem and ANICA now invite all interested people to a public workshop on carbon capture technologies which is organised by VDZ on 7 - 8 March 2023.

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Press release

Resources of the future for cement and concrete

Alongside climate and species protection, the preservation of natural resources is one of the major ecological challenges of our times. The production of cement and concrete is an area of particular relevance in this respect, accounting for roughly one fifth of the primary raw materials used in Germany. "We are well aware of the enormous demand arising from our industry and are prepared to take responsibility for an even more careful use of natural resources", explains Christian Knell, President of the German Cement Works Association (VDZ). The new VDZ study "Resources of the future for cement and concrete – Potential and action strategies" describes a possible 2050 scenario aimed at further reducing primary raw material utilisation.

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16th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC 2023) from 18 to 22 September 2023 in Bangkok

The 16th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC 2023) will be held from 18 to 22 September 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand.

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VDZ as employer

Making a career in the cement industry

As the knowledge hub of the industry, we offer a versatile, all-encompassing range of services for all aspects of cement and concrete. With our in-depth understanding of the cement industry, we identify current and future challenges for the industry at an early stage and develop suitable solutions.

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Person to contact

Do you have questions about VDZ?

Dr Martin Schneider
Chief Executive of VDZ

+49-211-45 78-0

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