Fuel ash: searching for clues in the clinker: Concentric structures explainable by aluminium-rich particles
Cement International 16 (2018) 6, S.15
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Cement International 16 (2018) 6, S.15
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Request publicationThe aim of the project was to investigate the suitability of the Ono method for evaluation of burning conditions even on clinker burnt with alternative fuels. Furthermore the focus of the project was the development of a methodology for correlations between microscopically and mineralogically analysed clinker properties and burning conditions.
The aim of the research project was to investigate the suitability or usefulness of dolomitic carbonate rocks as a main cement constituent and to define requirements for dolomitic carbonate rocks as required for the production of high-performance dolomitic cements and concretes of high durability.
Aim of the project was to improve the early strength performance of blastfurnace cements by a systematic adjustment of the clinker phase composition and/or addition of mineralisers in the clinker production process.
A laboratory method and a method on the internal particle size distribution that can be used on-site in a cement plant were developed in this research project.
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Hrsg. 20.Internationale Baustofftagung ; Tagungsband (Weimar 12. - 14. September 2018). Weimar, 2018
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Request publicationTagungsband, 26. - 28. September 2018
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Request publicationProceedings, 26. - 28. September 2018
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