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Публикации по теме Zementherstellung

Профессиональная статья

Interaction of the combustion of refuse derived fuel with the clinker bed in rotary cement kilns: A numerical study

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Fuel 266 (2020), 117048

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Abschlussbericht: Verbundvorhaben SynErgie: Synchronisierte und energieadaptive Produktionstechnik zur flexiblen Ausrichtung von Industrieprozessen auf eine fluktuierende Energieversorgung

Доступно в Немецкий

Im Forschungsprojekt wurde eine branchenüber- greifende Methodik zur Ermittlung von Flexibilitäts- potenzialen entwickelt und auf die Bedürfnisse der Grundstoffindustrie angepasst.

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Профессиональная статья

Influences of the oxyfuel cooling medium on mineralogy and microstructure of Portland cement clinker

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17th EMABM, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, May 20-23, 2019 Hrsg. Proceedings of the 17th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Toronto (Canada), 20. to 23. May 2019

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Профессиональная статья

Making the cement grinding load more flexible: Existing local requirements restrict the technical potential

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Cement International 17 (2019) 6, S.12

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Профессиональная статья

Climate protection also requires the storage of CO2: Effective CO2 infrastructure is a basic precondition for carbon capture demonstration plants

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Cement International 17 (2019) 6, S.12

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Working together safely: VDZ working group "Occupational Safety"

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Zement-Kalk-Gips 72 (2019) 10, S.60-64

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Профессиональная статья

Efficient grinding meets reduced CO2 emissions

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International Cement Review (2019) 8, S.81-84

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Профессиональная статья

ifeu study on the utilization on used tyres: Deviations from waste hierarchy possible with appropriate proof

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Cement International 17 (2019) 2, S.10

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