The behaviour of cement, aggregates, and concrete at high temperatures
Cement & Cement Manufacture (1930) 3, S.430-442; S.500-507
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Cement & Cement Manufacture (1930) 3, S.430-442; S.500-507
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Request publicationStädtereinigung, Die (1930) 1930
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Request publicationArchiv für das Eisenhüttenwesen 3 (1930) 11, S.677-684
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Request publicationTonindustrie-Zeitung 54 (1930) 33, S.564
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Request publicationTonindustrie-Zeitung 54 (1930) 44, S.738
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Request publicationKorrosion und Metallschutz 6 (1930 (?)) 2
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Request publicationCongrès international du béton et du béton armé = International Congress for concrete and reinforced concrete = Internationaler Kongreß für Eisen und Eisenbeton 1 (1930), o.S.
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Request publicationZement (1930) 12-13, 13 S.
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