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Knowledge transfer


Reduction of green house gases by process innovations in the primary Industry, SP 6: Development of a methodology for cross-project and ecological potential assessment, cement industry

The transfer and networking project ReInvent aims to provide technical and organisational support for the BMBF funding measure KlimPro-Industrie.

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Increasing energy efficiency in the cement industry through training by means of virtual reality (VR)

The aim of IGF project 21619 is to develop a training simulator with which learners can independently solve typical process engineering tasks within a virtual reality (VR) environment, particularly in connection with ball mills.

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BetonQuali - information and qualification platform

"BetonQuali - information and qualification platform", a joint project of VDZ gGmbH and its project partners, aimed to develop and test a training method for semi-skilled and unskilled employees in the concrete industry.

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Cement production


AC²OCem - Accelerating Carbon Capture using Oxyfuel Technology in Cement Production

The project investigates the existing 1st generation oxyfuel technology and an innovative 2nd generation oxyfuel concept with the ultimate goal of reducing CO₂ avoidance cost, increasing plant efficiency and strengthening the overall competitiveness.

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CLEANKER – Integrated calcium looping process for CO₂ capture

The aim of the CLEANKER (CLEAN clinKER) project is to perform large-scale testing of this technology as an integrated method (Technology Readiness Level 7). It is planned to treat 4 000 m³/h exhaust gas in a demonstration plant to be connected to an existing kiln line at the Buzzi Unicem works in Vernasca in Italy.

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Optimisation of clinker-efficient cements by means of multimodal particle size distributions using energy-efficient products from separate ultra-fine grinding

Separate ultra-fine grinding of cement - Energy-efficient grinding meets optimised cement and concrete properties. Today, future-oriented cements can already be produced more sustainably and efficiently by using various components of different finenesses.

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Method for rapid testing of the quality of flyable alternative fuels for use in the clinker burning process

As part of the research project, the German cement industry is to be provided with a utility model of a new type of apparatus for quasi-continuous incoming inspection of SRF deliveries. Based on a fast, technically robust and efficient characterisation of flight capability, humidity and optically detectable features of SRF, a system shall be developed, constructed and tested in practice.

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Cement sieving - Use of high-speed sieving machines to increase energy efficiency in cement grinding through optimised cement classification

The IGF project 22022 N aims to evaluate the performance of high-speed sieving machines to increase energy efficiency in cement grinding circuits through optimised cement classification. The central elements here are the energy and qualitative product comparison of sieving and classifying.

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Automised Classification and Assessment of Alternative Fuels

The aim of the project is to investigate Machine Learning models for the characterisation of alternative fuels in the cement production. For this purpose, a public-accessible database (with fuel characteristics and images) is set-up and different machine learning models will be trained on that data, the algorithms will be tested on their robustness and suggestions for the classification of the fuel quality and its visualisation in the control room will be made.

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Concrete technology


Performance of two-layer concrete pavers using clinker efficient cements with focus on freeze-thaw resistance

Following the recommendations of the CO₂ roadmap, a minimum of 50 % of concrete for pavers will be produced with CEM II/C or similar clinker efficient cements by 2050. Proof of their practicability for production of two-layer pavers is still pending. This research project aims to develop actions for paver manufacturers to ensure a production of concrete pavers with a high resistance to freeze-thaw attack with de-icing chemicals using clinker efficient cements.

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Fire performance of ecologically optimised concretes

The purpose of the research project is to gain the first systematic scientific findings on spalling behaviour in the event of fire and on thermo-mechanical and thermo-physical properties for concretes with the new clinker-efficient cement types and with recycled aggregates.

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REDOL - Aragon's REgional Hub for circularity: Demonstration Of Local industrial-urban symbiosis initiatives

Redol deals with closing material cycles using the city of Zaragoza as an example. The research project focuses on solid urban waste, which is an abundant source to produce circular products. Five value chains for solid urban waste in the Aragon region will be redesigned in order to be able to produce circular products using an industrial-urban symbiosis approach.

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Fresh concrete properties and hardening behaviour of concretes with clinker-efficient cements CEM II/C and CEM VI

EN 197-5 defined the clinker-efficient cements CEM II/C and CEM VI. Technical approvals for the application of CEM II/C cements have been issued. For a widespread application, it is important that all parties involved develop confidence in the new products. With new findings on fresh concrete properties, hardening behaviour and durability two research projects of the VDZ Concrete Technology Department will provide an important basis for application of these cements in concrete for the construction industry.

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Durability of concretes with clinker-efficient cements CEM II/C and CEM VI

EN 197-5 defined the clinker-efficient cements CEM II/C and CEM VI. Technical approvals for the application of CEM II/C cements have been issued. For a wide application, all parties involved have to develop confidence in the new products. With new findings on fresh concrete properties, hardening behaviour and durability two research projects of the VDZ Concrete Technology Department will provide an important basis for the application of these cements in the construction industry.

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Properties of finely dispersed materials from the recycling of mineral construction waste and their use in cement - effects on water absorption, hydration and pore structure

Chemistry and mineralogy


Analysis concept for the determination of trace elements in the eluate of cement-bound building materials (IGF No. 16989 N)

The aim of the AiF research project was to identify the causes of the sometimes greater scatter rates in the analysis results in the case of comparison trials for the long-term tank test.

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Interactions between siliceous fly ash or calcined clay as cement main constituent and superplasticizers based on polycarboxylate ether as well as their influences on rheological properties of fresh cement paste and fresh concrete

It was determined how the rheological properties and the consistency of fresh concrete can be improved by the adjustment of the type and proportion of fly ash or calcined clay in the cement to the clinker as well as the type and dosage of the superplasticizer.

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Suitability of various inorganic substances for use as a minor constituents in cements according to EN 197-1

The main scope of this research project was to supply evidence that selected inorganic substances are suitable for the use as minor constituents.

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Interactions between superplasticizers and cements with calcined clay in dependence of the temperature

The aim of the research project was to determine interactions between superplasticizers and cements with calcined clay.

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Development of an analysis concept for the quantification of cement, its main constituents as well as additives in hardened concrete

As part of the project, methods were developed that allow the cement content, cement type and additive content in hardened concrete to be reliably determined.

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Interactions between cements with several main constituents and methyl cellulose and their performance in dry mortar

Interactions between different structured or modified methyl hydroxyethyl celluloses and cements blended with limestone, blastfurnace slag or fly ash were determined.

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Environmental protection


CaLby2030 – Calcium Looping to capture CO2 from industrial processes by 2030

In CaLby2030, the deployment of Calcium Looping technology (CaL) using Circulating Fluidised Bed reactors (CFB) in the cement industry will be investigated, aiming at efficient CO₂-Capture without compromising clinker production or product quality. A technology scale-up will be also evaluated in a German cement plant by exploring different retrofit possibilities. Besides the cement sector, the deployment of CFB-CaL technology in other relevant sectors will also be investigated.

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  • Knowledge transfer
  • Cement production
  • Cement industry
  • Concrete technology
  • Chemistry and mineralogy
  • Quality assurance
  • Environmental protection


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