8. International VDZ-Congress 2018
Tagungsband, 26. - 28. September 2018
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Tagungsband, 26. - 28. September 2018
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Request publicationProceedings, 26. - 28. September 2018
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Request publicationTagungsband, 25.-27. September 2013
This article has to be requested from VDZ
Request publicationA database was compiled which cement manufacturers can use to influence and further optimise the formation of the melt phase by selecting suitable alternative fuels and their proportion.
The aim of this research project was to create basic knowledge on the results of different processing and compaction measures in correlation with the properties of the fresh concrete.
The aim of ECo project was to utilise CO₂ for co-electrolysis SOEC in combination with electricity production from renewable sources for storage as methane presented an interesting approach to handling CO₂ emissions from the cement industry in a future sustainable energy system.
With us, you can expand your knowledge around the production of cement and lime, as well as in the area of concrete technology. As a competent partner, we have been offering our customers individual qualification solutions since 2010. In addition to German-language online courses, we also offer English- and Russian-language courses and other services.
Our training schemes introduce career starters to cement technology, taking their different engineering or scientific backgrounds into account. This course provides a one-week in-depth training session which covers all relevant aspects of the cement manufacturing process including chemistry, mineralogy and environmental aspects. Quality control and cement performance in mortar/concrete will also be addressed.
This course covers all the relevant aspects concerning the use of alternative fuels in cement plants. Starting with the main political drivers such as the circular economy and the European waste fuel strategy, the training will give a detailed view of the current state-of-the-art-situation with regard to the use of alternative fuels in the EU. In this context, pre-treatment and suitable quality control of alternative fuels will be also explained and presented. A main focus will be given to the drivers and barriers of the use of alternative fuels within the burning process. Key issues will be explained and discussed with the participants. Finally, technical feasibilities, case studies and optimisation potential will be part of the training course.
The 9th International VDZ Congress will take place in Düsseldorf on 6 – 8 November 2024. The VDZ Congress is the international scientific forum for the cement industry and its suppliers. Delegates from all over the world will discuss the latest developments and challenges concerning the transformation of the cement industry on its way towards climate neutrality.