Results: Cement chemical optimisation of cements containing fly ash
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Lopes Batista, António; Santos Silva, António; Fernandes, Isabel; Oliveira Santos, Luís; Custódio, Joao; Serra, Carlos, Hrsg. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete: Volume I (Lissabon 2021-2022.) Lissabon, 2021, S.631-641
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Request publicationThe aim of the research project was to define the procedure for robust and precise dust analyses in factory laboratories in order to enable optimal utilisation of production dusts and to support process control.
In: Thailand Concrete Association, Ed. Further Reduction of CO₂-Emissions and Circularity in the Cement and Concrete Industry, 16th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement 2023 - ICCC2023 (Bangkok 18. - 22.09.2023). Bangkok, 2023. Vol.III. Available at:
In: Thailand Concrete Association, Ed. Further Reduction of CO₂-Emissions and Circularity in the Cement and Concrete Industry, 16th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement 2023 - ICCC 2023 (Bangkok 18. - 22.09.2023). Bangkok, 2023. Available at: (pp. 51 - 54)
VDZ's Education and Training Programme 2024/25 ranges from teaching technical basics and technical expertise to further training for managers. We offer individual, tailor-made seminars on the topics of clinker and cement production, maintenance, quality assurance, environmental protection, and concrete technology. In this new brochure you will find two new seminar topics reflecting current developments in the cement and concrete industry.