Hüttendirektor Dr.-Ing. E.H. Anton Schruff
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Request publicationTonindustrie-Zeitung 62 (1938) 66, S.716-718
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Request publicationDeutsche Baumeister (1940) 12, 3 S.
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Request publicationWiederaufbau-Mitteilungen (1947) 6, S.13
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Request publicationVorträge auf der ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung am 27. und 28. Spril 1954 in Düsseldorf (Mitgliederversammlung des Vereins Deutscher Zementwerke: Vorträge Düsseldorf 27.-28.04.1954) / Verein Deutscher Zementwerke, VDZ (Hrsg.). - Düsseldorf : Verein Deutscher Zementwerke, VDZ, 1954. - (Tagungsberichte der Zementindustrie 10), S.57-71
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Request publicationThe ANICA project (Advanced Indirectly Heated Carbonate Looping Process) investigated the development of a novel, indirectly heated carbonate looping process to reduce energy consumption and costs for CO₂ capture from lime and cement plants.
Forschungsbericht zum IGF-Projekt 20514N, in dem die technisch-wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen einer Minderung der Quecksilberfrachten im Abgasweg von Zementdrehrohrofenanlagen durch eine sorbensunterstützte Staubausschleusung sowie Möglichkeiten der Optimierung untersucht werden sollten.
Research report (in German) on IGF project 21582 N, in which process chains for chemical CO₂ utilisation for the emission reduction in the cement industry were to be investigated.
The aim of the project was to define the sensitivities of and relationships between the various influencing factors in a form applicable to plants in general.
The 9th International VDZ Congress is just around the corner: From 6 to 8 November 2024 - for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic - the VDZ Congress will provide a forum for global exchange in the cement industry. The focus in 2024 will be on key topics in cement process technology and the decarbonisation of the entire cement and concrete value chain. In the following interview, Dr Martin Schneider, Chief Executive of VDZ, explains what the biggest challenges and bright spots in the industry are at the moment, what contribution VDZ‘s CO₂ Roadmap will make to climate neutrality in the industry, and what key topics participants can look forward to at the 9th International VDZ Congress. ZKG International 77(2024)6, S.24-31
VDZ's Education and Training Programme 2024/25 ranges from teaching technical basics and technical expertise to further training for managers. We offer individual, tailor-made seminars on the topics of clinker and cement production, maintenance, quality assurance, environmental protection, and concrete technology. In this new brochure you will find two new seminar topics reflecting current developments in the cement and concrete industry.
In: International Cement Review, 10, 2023: 16-21.
The capture of CO₂ and its subsequent use and storage are essential elements of the cement industry's decarbonisation strategy. The capture of CO₂ from the flue gas is energy-intensive and complex. It can be carried out more easily and efficiently by maximising the CO₂ concentration in the flue gas. The separation of the calcination of the limestone in the raw meal from the burning process to produce clinker phases simplifies the accumulation of CO₂ in the flue gas significantly.
Executive Summary of the VDZ Study
Ab sofort stellt der BTB sein innovatives Qualifizierungstool online. Damit wird Mitarbeitenden der Betonindustrie aus fachfremden Berufen oder auch ohne Ausbildung der berufsbegleitende Weg zum qualifizierten Berufsabschluss „Verfahrensmechaniker in der Steine- und Erdenindustrie (m/w/d)“ eröffnet.
Ziel des IGF-Vorhabens 19276 N war es, grundlegende Erkenntnisse zur bedarfsgerechten Verdichtung von leicht zu verarbeitenden Betonen in Abhängigkeit der Frischbetoneigenschaften zu gewinnen. Die Untersuchungen sollten dabei den gesamten möglichen Bereich der Frischbetoneigenschaften von LVB abdecken.
Das IGF-Vorhaben 19077 BG sollte Erkenntnisse über das Verhalten verschiedener Gesteine unter beschleunigenden Bedingungen in AKR-Prüfungen liefern. Die Ergebnisse sollten dazu dienen, die Wirkung von verschiedenen Temperaturen, Lagerungslösungen und Lösungskonzentrationen in Prüfungen mit unterschiedlichen groben Gesteinskörnungen besser einschätzen zu können.
In a CORNET (Collective Research Networking) research project, the project partners CRIC (Belgium), Smart minerals (Austria) and VDZ (Germany) had combined under the consortium leadership of the VDZ to determine characteristic variables for cement and mortar samples and correlate them with the results of concrete durability tests.
The aim of the C³ CarbonSpeed project was to create a guideline to complement the existing verification procedures of the building authorities (approval in individual cases, national technical approval) with a view to shortening the time required for the introduction of solutions with carbon concrete.
The aim of the current research phase was the elimination of market barriers through clear regulation.
The aim of the AiF research project was to identify the causes of the sometimes greater scatter rates in the analysis results in the case of comparison trials for the long-term tank test.
Interactions between different structured or modified methyl hydroxyethyl celluloses and cements blended with limestone, blastfurnace slag or fly ash were determined.
The aim of the project was to investigate the suitability of the Ono method for evaluation of burning conditions even on clinker burnt with alternative fuels. Furthermore the focus of the project was the development of a methodology for correlations between microscopically and mineralogically analysed clinker properties and burning conditions.
The aim of the research project was to investigate the suitability or usefulness of dolomitic carbonate rocks as a main cement constituent and to define requirements for dolomitic carbonate rocks as required for the production of high-performance dolomitic cements and concretes of high durability.
Schriftenreihe der Zementindustrie, 77/2011, 175 pp.
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Request publicationBeton Prisma (2013) 97
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Request publicationBeton 51 (2001) 4, S.231-235
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Request publicationGIT Fachzeitschrift für das Laboratorium 34 (1990) 9, S.1087-1097
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Request publicationBetonbau in Europa (Darmstäder Massivbau-Seminar; Bd.15), S.IV,1-IV,11
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Request publicationZKG International. 2024, 77(4), S.34-35
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Request publicationThe ANICA project (Advanced Indirectly Heated Carbonate Looping Process) investigated the development of a novel, indirectly heated carbonate looping process to reduce energy consumption and costs for CO₂ capture from lime and cement plants.
Research report (in German) on IGF project 21582 N, in which process chains for chemical CO₂ utilisation for the emission reduction in the cement industry were to be investigated.
The 9th International VDZ Congress is just around the corner: From 6 to 8 November 2024 - for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic - the VDZ Congress will provide a forum for global exchange in the cement industry. The focus in 2024 will be on key topics in cement process technology and the decarbonisation of the entire cement and concrete value chain. In the following interview, Dr Martin Schneider, Chief Executive of VDZ, explains what the biggest challenges and bright spots in the industry are at the moment, what contribution VDZ‘s CO₂ Roadmap will make to climate neutrality in the industry, and what key topics participants can look forward to at the 9th International VDZ Congress. ZKG International 77(2024)6, S.24-31
VDZ's Education and Training Programme 2024/25 ranges from teaching technical basics and technical expertise to further training for managers. We offer individual, tailor-made seminars on the topics of clinker and cement production, maintenance, quality assurance, environmental protection, and concrete technology. In this new brochure you will find two new seminar topics reflecting current developments in the cement and concrete industry.
In: International Cement Review, 10, 2023: 16-21.