
Dr Jörg Rickert gave a lecture on modelling the calcination of clay, contrasting the rotary kiln and flash calciner processes. Dr Jens Herrmann reported on investigations into two-stage mixing to increase the strength of cements with granulated blastfurnace slag and limestone.

The VDZ delegation delivered innovative presentations at the ICCC 2023 to promote the international scientific exchange on cement chemistry innovations and to advance the decarbonisation of cement and concrete. This includes Dr Christoph Müller's keynote on the role of standards supporting decarbonisation and resource efficiency of cement and concrete in Europe, as well as Dr Jens Herrmann's lecture on the influences of accelerators on compressive strength of clinker-efficient composite cements with slag and limestone.

Jörg Rickert giving his presentation on modelling the calcination of clay
Jörg Rickert giving his presentation on modelling the calcination of clay

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